• 26/07/2024 20:11

Nikolaev signed an agreement with NEFCO to reconstruct the water supply system

There are plans to scale the project to the entire city.

Nikolaev signed an agreement with NEFCO for the reconstruction of water supply

The Nikolaev City Council signed a grant agreement with the Northern Environmental Finance Corporation (NEFCO). This was done to reconstruct the water supply system in the Korabelny district of Nikolaev.

This was announced by the mayor of Nikolaev Alexander Senkevich.

“Gusts are recorded throughout the city every day and the pipes themselves needed to be replaced, because their service life came out a long time ago. The pumping equipment is also outdated,” Senkevich noted.

He said that initially it is planned to install 55 main meters with remote data collection in multi-storey buildings. In addition, pipes and pumps will be replaced at three pumping stations in the Korabelny district.

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The mayor of Nikolaev emphasized that this is the first such large project, which should reduce water supply losses and improve water supply for the population.

There are plans to scale the project to the entire city.

“The selection of a contractor and technical support will be dealt with by our partners from NEFCO, and not by the city council,” Sienkiewicz emphasized.

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