• 27/07/2024 04:19

Thanks to the activities of the SBU, 23 agents in cassocks received court sentences, – Malysh

Among the crimes of these agents are treason and inciting interreligious hatred.

Thanks to the activities of the SBU, 23 agents in cassocks received court sentences, - Malysh

Vasily Malyuk

SBU results work for Russia, in in particular at the FSB.

The head of the SBU, Vasily Malyuk, spoke about this during the telethon.

“If a person in a cassock stands and uses the phone to correct enemy fire in a peaceful neighborhood. What does this have to do with God? Can the cassock and censer be an indulgence in this case? Of course not. We will hold her accountable like anyone else,” said the head of the SBU.

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At the same time, Malysh assured, the SBU does not fight against clergy in general . The SBU has questions only for those who work against Ukraine, covering the FSB uniforms with cassocks, in particular the UOC-MP.

Already 23 agents in cassocks, thanks to the activities of the SBU, have received court sentences. Their crimes include treason and inciting interreligious hatred. Currently, 37 suspicions have already been announced and more than 80 criminal proceedings have been opened.

  • The Security Service of Ukraine announced that it had neutralized a criminal organization in Kyiv that carried out information sabotage on behalf of the FSB. Among them is one of the leaders of the capital’s church of the UOC (MP), who was part of the intelligence apparatus of the Russian special service.
  • The SBU reported that it had documented the subversive activities of the mitred archpriest of the Cherkasy diocese of the UOC (MP), who justified the armed aggression of the Russian Federation.
  • Recently, the relevant committee recommended that the Rada support in the second reading the bill banning the MP) in Ukraine. The text of the bill has become significantly stronger compared to what was previously supported in the first reading.


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