• 26/07/2024 22:45

The High Council of Justice again removed Knyazev from considering cases

The decision will be valid until the court verdict comes into force or until the criminal proceedings are closed.

The High Council of Justice again removed Knyazev from considering cases

Vsevolod Knyazev Supreme Court from the administration of justice.

This was reported by the press service of the SRP.

“On April 4, 2024, the SRP temporarily suspended a judge of the Supreme Court from the administration of justice in connection with criminal prosecution until the court verdict entered into legal force or the criminal proceedings on the charge were closed,” – the message says.

It is noted that this decision was made based on the results of consideration of the relevant petition of the Deputy Prosecutor General – head of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office Alexander Klimenko. namely: existing risks that the suspect may personally or indirectly influence witnesses or other participants in criminal proceedings, or impede criminal proceedings in other ways,” noted the GRP.

On May 18, 2023, the VRP agreed to keep Knyazev in custody. And on February 6, 2024, she temporarily suspended him, until April 6, 2024, from the administration of justice in connection with criminal prosecution. Knyazev’s case Knyazev’s case On May 15, 2023, upon receiving the second tranche of a bribe in the amount of $450 thousand (the total amount was almost $3 million), Knyazev and lawyer Goretsky were exposed “in the heat of the moment.” On May 16, NABU and SAPO informed both of them about suspicion.

  • ZN.UA reported that the ex-clerk of the Supreme Court received money from people who advocated a court decision in favor of the oligarch Konstantin Zhevago. We are talking about a case regarding the ownership of 40.19% of the shares of the Poltava Mining and Processing Plant (PGOC) Ferrexpo, which was considered by the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court. NABU and SAPO established that the businessman-owner of the Finance and Credit group had contacts with one of the lawyers of the law firm, which was used as a “backoffice” to disguise criminal activities in the Supreme Court. The lawyer acted as an intermediary in the transfer of illegal remuneration to the leadership of the Supreme Court for making a court decision in the interests of the businessman.
  • At first, the investigator, judge VAKS, chose a preventive measure for Vsevolod Knyazev in the form of detention with the alternative of posting 107.360 million hryvnia bail. Subsequently, the amount was reduced to UAH 75 million, then to UAH 55 million.
  • At the end of September, the HACC Appeals Chamber left the former chairman of the Supreme Court in pre-trial detention. At the same time, she again reduced the amount of the deposit to UAH 45 million. During the investigation, Knyazev’s bail was reduced seven times.
  • Later, Knyazev’s stay in a pre-trial detention center was extended with a bail amount of 35 million UAH.
  • At the beginning of December last year, the Anticorruption Court extended the effect of “prevention” 2 February 2024.
  • In addition, the Pechersky District Court of Kyiv found Knyazev guilty of violating legal restrictions on receiving gifts. We are talking about a gift in the form of renting an apartment of 133 square meters. m in Pechersk for 1 thousand hryvnia per month. The court ordered Knyazev to pay a fine of 2,550 UAH and ordered the gift to be confiscated.
  • lb.ua

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