• 26/07/2024 23:02

The main thing for Saturday, January 6: 11 dead in the Pokrovsky district, fighting on the left bank of the Dnieper

Battles near Avdeevka, 27 military clashes, enemy shelling, attacks on the Nikopol region, destruction of 2 Pantsir-S1 in the Belgorod region. How will the 682nd day of a full-scale war be remembered?

The main thing for Saturday, January 6: 11 dead in the Pokrovsky district, fighting on the le

<p class=Russian occupiers launched a missile attack on the Pokrovsky district of the Donetsk region. According to preliminary information, 11 people died, including 5 children. 8 people were injured.

This was reported by the head of the OBA Vadim Filashkin. “11 dead, including 5 children – these are the preliminary consequences of the attacks on the Pokrovsky district. The Russians hit the area with S-300 missiles, killed 11 people and wounded 8 more. The main blow fell on Pokrovsk and the Rivne Mirnograd community,” Filashkin wrote in Telegram.

Filashkin later reported that as a result of the strike in the Pokrovsky district, 11 people were killed and 10 were injured. Among the dead were 5 children aged 3 to 17 years. In particular, in the village of Rivne there were six dead, including three children. The Russians killed another 5 people in Pokrovsk today. The rescue operation continues in Pokrovsk and Rivne.

Meanwhile, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that 27 military clashes occurred during the day.

In general, the enemy carried out 8 missile and 55 air strikes, and carried out 23 attacks from multiple launch rocket systems on the positions of our troops and populated areas. Russian terrorist attacks have unfortunately resulted in civilian deaths and injuries. Private residential and apartment buildings and other civil infrastructure were destroyed and damaged.

In the Avdeevsky direction, our defenders repulsed 5 enemy attacks in the areas of Novobakhmutovka, Stepnoy, Avdeevka and 9 more attacks in the areas of Pervomaiskoye and Nevelskoye, where the enemy, with the support of aviation, unsuccessfully tried to improve the tactical situation.

Defense aviation carried out strikes on 19 areas where enemy personnel were concentrated. The missile force units damaged 1 control point, 1 ammunition train, 1 artillery piece, 1 air defense radar and 1 enemy Tor air defense system. Read more about the operational situation as of 18:00 on January 6 in our news.

The Russian army shelled Nikopol and three rural communities of the Dnepropetrovsk region. As a result, there are dead and six injured, including two children, said the head of the regional military administration Sergei Lysak.

“Another day of merciless attacks on the Nikopol region. 12 artillery shelling, 3 attacks by kamikaze drones.” The regional center, Mirovskaya, Marganetskaya and Pokrovskaya rural communities suffered from enemy terror. There is a dead person and two injured. A 16-year-old girl and a 66-year-old man were injured by shrapnel. They were hospitalized in moderate condition,” he wrote on Telegram.

According to Lisak, four more people needed medical help due to severe stress. Among them is a 5-year-old boy.

Two industrial enterprises and 27 private houses were also damaged in the area. 13 outbuildings were torn to pieces, one was burned down. The fire also destroyed the car. Several more cars were damaged.

Solar panels, gas pipelines, and power lines were caught. About 2 thousand families were left without electricity. Experts are restoring power supply.

The Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported that today, January 6, reconnaissance soldiers destroyed 2 Russian Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile and gun systems in the Belgorod region.

“ As part of a complex mission, implemented with the assistance of the United24 platform, Ukrainian military intelligence operators hit Russian air defense positions in the Belgorod region,” the message says.

It is noted that as a result of the fire damage 2 Russian anti-aircraft missile and gun systems “Pantsir-S1” are out of action.

The cost of one such ZRGK is approximately 10-15 million dollars.

Putin’s decree on granting Russian citizenship to Ukrainian children is further evidence of the terrorist country’s crimes against Ukraine. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine responded to another dictatorial decree of the President of the Russian Federation, writes the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

On January 4, 2024, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree “On determining certain categories of foreign citizens and stateless persons who have the right to apply for citizenship of the Russian Federation.”

“The document provides that orphans and children left without parental care and who are citizens of Ukraine can obtain Russian citizenship by personal decision of the President of the Russian Federation, without taking into account all or individual requirements of federal legislation. Applications for acquisition of Russian citizenship can be submitted by the heads of Russian organizations in which Ukrainian children are forcibly detained,” noted the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs adds that this latest “regulatory legal act”, in addition to its focus on satisfying the demographic needs of the aggressor country at the expense of migrants in order to continue armed aggression against Ukraine, also grossly violates the legislation of Ukraine, international law and the rights of children – citizens of Ukraine, who, during the large-scale offensive of the Russian Federation, were forcibly transferred to the territory of the aggressor state.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine once again notes that all children citizens of Ukraine who were forcibly transferred to the territory The Russian Federation, under the flimsy pretext of so-called “humanitarian protection”, remain citizens of Ukraine. The Ukrainian authorities continue to take all possible measures to protect their legal rights and freedoms.

More details in the news.

The Polish government agreed with farmers blocking the road for truck traffic near the Medika-Shegini checkpoint to suspend the protest in this place for an indefinite period.

The signing of an agreement between the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Poland Czeslaw Sekierski and the leader of the organization of farmers “Deceived Village” Roman Kondrow was announced during a briefing in Rzeszow on Saturday by the governor of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship Teresa Kubas. /p>

The Minister agreed to implement all the farmers’ demands. Polish farmers demanded subsidies for the purchase of corn, maintaining the agricultural tax this year at the 2023 level and extending the possibility of obtaining loans to ensure liquidity.

The most complete picture of today is on our website. We hope that tomorrow there will be more good news.

Let's hold on and bring Victory closer!


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