• 27/07/2024 04:44

They delayed deadlines and worked part-time, there were no e-queues: Lyashko explained why the Ministry of Health ordered inspections of VLK in Kyiv

At the first stage, the working group will focus on solving organizational issues that can be resolved quickly.

Viktor Lyashko

Health Minister Viktor Lyashko said that the military medical commissions in Kyiv were delaying the commission’s deadlines, were working part-time, and did not have electronic queues. This, according to him, was the reason for checking the work of the VLK in the capital.

Lyashko spoke about this on the air of the 1+1 TV channel, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

“In “In Kiev, doctors were not removed from the TCC, there was no electronic queue. In addition, we see that VLK worked until 14:00, and then for some reason closed. This is a violation of the norms,” ​​he said.

Lyashko noted that the working group of the Ministry of Health, which will carry out the inspections, will at the first stage focus on solving organizational issues that can be quickly resolved.

“And then we will look into each complaint,” the minister added.

The head of the Ministry of Health noted that, according to the standards, during the course of the VLK an electronic medical record is opened for each patient, which must be closed within four days. At the same time, in some clinics contracted to conduct VLK, in particular in Kyiv, such records remained open for 10 days or more. Danilov: the names of the VLK doctors who gave certificates of false unfitness will be publicly disclosed. On March 4, Lyashko ordered inspections of all VLKs in Kyiv. He explained that this decision was caused by an increase in the number of complaints that the Ministry of Health began to receive.

  • Medical examinations on suitability for service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine should last no longer than four days. If a serviceman believes that the decision of the VLK does not reflect his real state of health, he can appeal its conclusions.
  • On November 2 last year, the Ministry of Defense announced that the electronic queue for the VLK is already available to all military personnel.
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