• 26/07/2024 20:25

ZSU hit high-ranking officers of the Russian Federation near Krim, – Dzherelo

Ukrainian soldiers today, 15th quarter, ordered a missile attack on the Russian command post near Crimea. < /p>

About this, RBC-Ukraine has raised suspicions among the special services.

According to the words of the spyvrozmovnik, there were high-ranking Russian officers at the command post, which was attacked by the Ukrainian soldiers.< /p>

More detailed information about the attack was not released by the dzherel.

Vibukhs near Sevastopol

It seems that today, the 15th of April, the moons began to sound near Sevastopol. They were heard at the center of the place.

At the hour of the booms near the Sevastopol Bay, the smoke curtain was raised.

Just after that, a wind alarm siren sounded near Sevastopol. The Russians immediately launched aircraft into the sky so that they would not be hit.

At this time, ATES wrote about what was ordered by the attack on part of the 810th Marine Brigade of the Russian Federation near Sevastopol. In one, the other was built on top.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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