The “editorial boards” of Telegram channels in Ukraine expect “selective” audits from the relevant fiscal structures.
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About the fact that the above-described inspection will be launched with the aim of identifying the source of funds through which these media resources operate, including determining the amount of taxes paid from income received from the publication of advertising offers, NBN writes, referring to the statement Head of the Parliamentary Committee on Freedom of Speech Issues Yaroslav Yurchishin, published by Detector-Media.
Based on Yurchishin’s words, the corresponding request from tax authorities will be received by Telegram publics that are characterized by high economic activity and place large volumes of advertising. The head of the relevant committee added that the state will definitely see “if taxes are paid, then these are tears and drops.”
According to Yurchishin, such a tax campaign is justified, since it concerns the conduct of economic activities in a warring country, and all such “fees” must be directed to the needs of the defense sector of Ukraine.
The head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Freedom of Speech made an interesting statement:
Therefore, the key story now is not only to agree with Pavel Durov [the creator of Telegram] that we have mechanisms to influence Russian propaganda, but also to find out , why such a profitable business in our country is most likely not very taxable.
We previously wrote that in Servant of the People they explained whether Ukrainians should expect a tax increase.