• 27/07/2024 03:58

Freedom of Russia reported the losses of Russian troops during the raids of “legionnaires” in the Belgorod and Kursk regions

ByJohn Newman

Mar 22, 2024

Recent raids by the Legion “Freedom of Russia” (LSR), the “Russian Volunteer Corps” (RDK) and the “Siberian Battalion” on the territory of the Belgorod and Kursk regions not only forced Moscow to redeploy significant forces from Kharkov and Kupyansky front sectors for the defense of these border regions of the Russian Federation.

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Photo – espreso.tv

About the fact that Putin’s army lost at least 1500 in “manpower”, both killed and and wounded, thanks to the effective raid of volunteers in the above-mentioned regions of the Russian Federation, writes “NBN”, referring to the statement of LSR Speaker Alexey Baranovsky, sounded on YouTube channel “Ukrinform-TV”.

By  According to the speaker of the “legionnaires”, for the entire period of operations in the border regions of the aggressor country, Putin’s troops will not count:

  • killed —651 people;
  • wounded —980 people;
  • captured — 37 people;
  • in destroyed equipment — 121 units;
  • in  damaged equipment —50 units.

Earlier, our news portal wrote about that the CNS assessed the impact of the “legionnaires'” raids on the morale of the Russian army.


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