• 26/07/2024 21:06

OSGV “Khortitsa” spoke about the current situation around Chasovoy Yar

ByJohn Newman

Apr 18, 2024

Over the past week, the situation in the Eastern direction has become somewhat tense, but no significant and threatening aggravation has yet been recorded here.

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Photo – facebook.com/GeneralStaff.ua

About the fact that Chasov Yar in the Donetsk region is still fully controlled by the Ukrainian Defense Forces, but the Russian occupation army seeks to raze this city to the ground, actively using controlled/adjustable aerial bombs (KABs), writes NBN, citing to the explanation voiced by the speaker of the operational-strategic group of troops (OSGV) “Khortitsa” Lieutenant Colonel Nazar Voloshin in the telethon on YouTube channel “TSN”.

According to Voloshin, in the zone controlled by OSGV Khortitsa, the hottest directions at the moment are Bakhmutskoye and Avdeevskoye, where enemy aviation and army continue to attempt further assaults on the positions of the country’s defenders. In particular, Putin’s army is actively using artillery systems, armored vehicles, various UAVs, and also uses aircraft to carry out strikes with CABs, thus intending to quickly reach the administrative borders of the Donetsk region.

In addition, the enemies are now intensively they are pressing mainly in the Bakhmut direction—the situation in the Chasovoy Yar area in the Donetsk region is highly complex, but the Defense Forces took control of the situation, preventing the enemy from infiltrating the city.

Evlash focused on the attempts of the “second army of the world” to destroy the settlement described above, just as it happened with Avdeevka:

Now, also, the enemy is abandoning the city Chasovoy Yar with guided aerial bombs, while destroying civilian infrastructure.

Earlier, we wrote that Voloshin reported about a change in the tactical approach of the invaders at Chasovoy Yar.


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