• 27/07/2024 04:23

Providing benefits for utilities in Ukraine: what income limit is set for families in 2024

ByJohn Newman

Feb 8, 2024

The current legislation of our country provides for the allocation of benefits for the payment of housing and communal services (HCS) to certain categories of Ukrainians.

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Providing benefits for utilities in Ukraine: what income limit is set for families in 2024

Photo – novyny.live

About what rules regarding the provision of benefits for utilities are in force this year, writes NBN, citing the official Facebook account Pension Fund of Ukraine (PFU).

In particular, benefits for payment of housing and communal services in 2024 are still provided based on the average monthly total family income—estimated amounts per person per person ;the previous 6 months should not exceed the amount of income that gives the right to the so-called “tax social benefit”—4 240 hryvnia per person.

It should be noted that in order to determine the amount of the tax social benefits, in the PFU they take the monthly subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons, updated from January 1, after which they multiply this amount by a coefficient of 1.4, and then round the remainder to the nearest 10 hryvnia.

Earlier, we wrote about which banks subsidy recipients can choose to receive social assistance from the state.


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