• 27/07/2024 03:28

The situation in the Liman-Kupyansk direction: in the OSGV “Khortitsa” they told which sections of the front the occupiers went on the defensive (map)

ByJohn Newman

Mar 3, 2024

The day before, the OSGV “Khortitsa” was informed that in the indicated direction, Putin's troops have concentrated 122,500 units of “manpower”, with which they are replenishing the losses of their units quite quickly – within 3-7 days.

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The situation in the Liman-Kupyansk direction: in the OSGV Khortitsa they told which sections of the front the occupiers went on the defensive (map)

Photo – zn.ua

About the fact that the Russian occupation invasion army is concentrating forces mainly in the vicinity of the settlement of Terny (Kramatorsk region of Donetsk region) on the Liman-Kupyansky section of the front, NBN writes, referring to the explanation made by the operational speaker. strategic group of troops (OSGV) “Khortitsa” by Ilya Yevlash on the telethon on the TSN YouTube channel.

According to Yevlash, near the village of Sinkovka, the “second army of the world” reduced the intensity of offensive operations, moving on to the arrangement of positions, defense lines, replenishment of units and assault companies. In particular, the invaders began to transfer the main forces from Sinkovka to Ternam.

Thus, we can conclude that the occupiers intend to develop an offensive at Ternov, in the Yampolevka area and on the coast of the Black Stallion River, reaching these boundaries is a key task for them.

The situation in the Liman-Kupyansk direction: in the OSGV

Photo — deepstatemap.live

We previously wrote about the fact that Tarnavsky revealed the number of daily losses of Putin’s army in the Tauride direction on March 2nd.


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