• 26/07/2024 20:12

Creator of “zero forms”: 8 quotes from Kazimir Malevich that excite the imagination

The work of the artist Kazimir Malevich goes beyond the classics and standard thinking, expanding one's horizons and imagination. The creator of “zero forms” was born on February 23, 1879 in Kiev, and his art belongs to the whole world.

ContentFounder of SuprematismAn artist who belongs to the whole world Creator ” zero forms” Kazimir Malevich. Source: Instagram

On the birthday of the bright Ukrainian artist, whose paintings amaze with their originality and non-standard approach to art, WomanEL will also remember his original inspiring quotes.

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Founder of Suprematism

“They always demand that art be understandable, but they never demand that they adapt their heads to understanding…”

Malevich, by the will of fate, became the founder of a radical artistic movement – Suprematism. He found a fulcrum, his ideal formula for ideal art, and everything came together in one canvas.

“Suprematist composition”, 1916 year. Source: Instagram

At a point there is no need to see other than a point, so in Suprematism a point appears in the form of a square or circle, which causes strong indignation throughout society. But in the end they will come to a point for themselves…

When he was later asked what he felt when he painted “Black Square,” he said that it was as if red lightning flashed between him and the canvas. The intuitive, in my opinion, should be where the forms are unconscious and without response…

“Black Square”. Source: Instagram

Art is the ability to create a structure that arises not from the relationship of shapes and colors and not from the aesthetic taste of the beauty of the composition of the structure, but from the weight, speed and direction of movement…

Artist, which belongs to the whole world

For Malevich, whose nationality is being disputed by three states at once, the conflict of the avant-garde arose very sharply. Avant-garde is combined with national traditions and is fundamentally international at its core.

“Red Square”, 1915. Source: Instagram The pathos of dynamic Suprematism is freedom, water, rapid movement. Source: Instagram

For every era we need new art…

Malevich can rightfully be called a Ukrainian artist, or denied any national definition in relation to it – after all, it belongs to the whole world.

Whoever feels painting sees the object less, seeing the object feels less picturesque…

In his book “From Cubism and Futurism to Suprematism,” Kazimir Malevich said that he “does not want to copy and distort the movement of objects and other varieties of natural forms.” In addition to the “Black Square”, Malevich also has “Red Square” and “White”, as well as “Black Circle”, triangles and ovals.

Triptych by Kazimir Malevich. Source: Instagram

In fact, “Black Square” never left alone – it is part of a triptych that also included “Black Circle” and “Black Cross”. Together they create an iconostasis of new art, there are many religious associations and motifs. Malevich considered these three forms to be basic, in which all other forms are further developed.

The painting cannot be viewed only from the point of color, it must be seen and heard…

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