• 26/07/2024 20:21

Meeting his son: Nikita Dobrynin about his new girlfriend

Ukrainian presenter Nikita Dobrynin, who recently announced a divorce from his ex-wife Dasha Kvitkova, is again in the spotlight of public attention. This time the reason was his frank admission of a new novel and the first conversations about his chosen one, writes WomanEL.

The showman clarified that he does not have an affair with blogger Chara Khoriv, ​​with whom he was often associated, but he revealed that he attention is already occupied by another woman. However, he refrained from providing details about her personality, other than that she is not from the public space.

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I have no with her (Chara Horiv ) novel. We have excellent friendly communication, and I am pleased with it. Now my heart is not free. She (the new chosen one) is doing something completely different. I’m glad that she’s not from mine, not from the public sphere,

said Nikita Dobrynin.

Showman Nikita Dobrynin revealed the details of his new novel. Source: instagram.com/nikitadobrynin

It should be noted that the showman also revealed that his two-year-old son Lev has not yet met his new girlfriend. However, when the relationship becomes more serious, a meeting with my son will certainly take place.

If I understand that this is a super-serious relationship, then I will be happy to introduce Leo . I haven’t introduced him yet,

the presenter added.

While the showman leaves the details of his new novel secret, his fans remain awaiting further confessions and the development of his personal life.

By the way , it recently became known why Dobrynin does not pay alimony to Dasha Kvitkova.

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