• 26/07/2024 22:51

The message of a deceased soldier to his son became the song of a famous group

The Ukrainian group “Rock-H”, also known as “Rokash”, presented their new song “Daddy’s Love”, which was a response to the video message of the deceased soldier Alexei Yanin to his little son Nazar. This poignant story became the basis for the creation of the group’s video, writes WomanEL.

Alexey Yanin, who defended Mariupol even before the start of the full-scale invasion, died in April 2022. After the death of the hero, his wife Tamara Yanina shared her husband’s video message with the public, wanting to preserve his memory for their son.

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The Rock-H group, which has long been friends with Tamara and Alexey, decided salute the fallen warrior through music. The song “Daddy's Love” was created based on this video message, and the lyrics reflect the sincerity and love that Alexey felt for his son.

The Rock-H group paid tribute to the memory of the fallen warrior through the song Dad's Love. Source: youtube.com/Rock-H

For our family this is more than a clip. This is a memory of a father for a son for life, noted Tamara Yanina.

After the song and video were made public, they received a wide response on the Internet. Many expressed their support and recognized the importance of the group’s creativity in preserving the memory of the heroes. “Daddy’s Love” is rapidly gaining views and public support.

By the way, Nikita Kiselev recently released a sensual song about the power of love.

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