• 27/07/2024 00:36

Sofia Rotaru publicly addressed her daughter-in-law

Today is a holiday in the family of the greatest Ukrainian singer Sofia Rotaru. This time the spotlight is on her daughter-in-law Svetlana, who is celebrating her birthday. On the occasion of this holiday, Sofia Rotaru decided to share her joy with her fans by publishing a warm photo, writes WomanEL.

In the photograph published in her photo blog, Svetlana is presented in an elegant image, striking with her appearance and style. The congratulatory post is accompanied by gentle words: “Happy Birthday,” which are emphasized by a symbolic heart, expressing warm feelings and wishes.

Sofia Rotaru publicly congratulates his daughter-in-law on her birthday, emphasizing the importance of family values. Source: instagram.com

It should be noted that other family members also joined in this festive moment. Sofia Rotaru’s son Anatoly, who is now abroad, posted on his blog a tender photo with Svetlana, reflecting the moment of an embrace. The caption to the photo expresses his boundless respect for her.

Sofia Rotaru publicly congratulates her daughter-in-law on her birthday, emphasizing the importance of family values. Source: instagram.com

Also on his pages on social networks, Sofia Rotaru’s other son, Ruslan, addressed holiday congratulations. He not only expressed his love and respect for his wife, but also shared a tender photo with his beloved, reflecting the harmony and happiness in their marriage.

Sofia Rotaru publicly congratulates her daughter-in-law on her birthday, emphasizing the importance of family values. Source: instagram.com

Holiday congratulations and harmony in the Rotaru family amazed fans, who actively greeted her daughter-in-law and wished them happiness and prosperity. By the way, recently the granddaughter of Sofia Rotaru broke up with her beloved, 13 years older than her.

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