• 26/07/2024 20:33

Four regional forensic bureaus came under the control of the Ministry of Health


Feb 25, 2024

regional forensic bureaus

Four regional forensic medical examination bureaus in Vinnitsa, Nikolaev, Chernihiv regions and the city of Kiev have already completely come under the control of the Ministry of Health. In another 12 regions, final procedures for the transfer of property complexes of CME services are ongoing and commissions for the transfer of property have already been created.

This was reported by the Ministry of Health, Ukrinform reports.

As noted in the Ministry of Health, the decision to transfer entire property complexes of the forensic medical examination bureau (FME) for municipal ownership into state ownership is being gradually adopted by all regions of Ukraine. This reorganization involves the creation of a centralized network of forensic medical institutions under the management of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (MoH).

“During war, the workload on forensic experts increases, especially in front-line regions and in areas where examinations of dead military and civilian citizens are carried out. Therefore, the ministry initiated the reorganization of the forensic medical examination bureau into a single centralized network of institutions under the management of the Ministry of Health. The staff of the Forensic Medical Examiner's Office will continue to work, and existing and new CME laboratories will be equipped with modern equipment. This will speed up the procedure for identifying the dead, introduce modern approaches to conducting examinations in accordance with the requirements of international law, which will contribute to the effective investigation and documentation of war crimes committed against Ukraine and Ukrainians. noted Deputy Minister, Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine Igor Kuzin.

In particular, bureaus in nine regions (Sumy, Dnepropetrovsk, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Khmelnitsky, Transcarpathian, Volyn, Chernivtsi, Poltava) are completing the process of documenting property and other procedures. Bureaus in three more regions (Kirovograd, Rivne, Zhytomyr regions) are at the stage of creating commissions for the transfer of entire property complexes, which are necessary to complete the process of transferring these complexes from communal to state ownership.

Also, local authorities have already provided their consent to the transfer of four regional forensic medical examination bureaus of the Kiev, Lviv, Kharkov and Cherkassy regions from communal ownership to state ownership.

As noted in the Ministry of Health, after the adoption of the order of the Cabinet of Ministers in these regions, the process of reorganizing the CME bureau will continue, in particular, appropriate commissions will be created to transfer these entire property complexes into state ownership. The bureaus of the Kherson and Odessa regions will begin this process after the decisions of the local authorities are made.

As reported, as part of the reorganization of the forensic medical service, it is planned to comprehensively equip the laboratory and infrastructure base of the regional CME bureaus. To provide forensic toxicological and genetic (DNA) examinations, at the request of the Ministry of Health and Medical Procurement, 115 units of laboratory equipment were centrally purchased. Also, further implementation of accreditation in accordance with ISO requirements is envisaged for laboratories of the CME Bureau.

Photo from open sources


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