• 26/07/2024 23:49

One of the ten main global risks in 2024 concerns Ukraine: The Time announced a probable forecast

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This information was reported by The Time, reports URA-Inform.  

The Time magazine published the «Top 10 global risks for 2024». In third place on this list — forecast of the likely division of Ukraine.

«This year Ukraine will be de facto divided, and the Russian Federation now has the initiative on the battlefield and a material advantage. 2024 will be a turning point in the war: and if Ukraine does not solve its personnel problems, does not increase weapons production and does not develop a realistic military strategy in the near future, then its territorial losses may be greater», — the publication's analysts noted.

They stated that Ukraine has suffered greatly from a decrease in political and material support from the United States, and the prospects for European assistance are only slightly better. Kiev needs more troops.

That's why The Time believes Ukraine will take greater military risks this year, including striking more targets in Russia, which would provoke an unprecedented response from Russia and could drag NATO into the conflict .

We recall that it was previously reported that Ukraine’s counter-offensive could take place in 2022: who opposed it.

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