• 27/07/2024 00:22

Grinkevich’s wife protected property from seizure by putting it on bail – Hromadske investigation

The day after her husband’s arrest, Svetlana Grinkevich took out a loan for UAH 5 million, and subsequently, because of this loan, placed an encumbrance on both apartments from a notary. Svetlana took two more properties as collateral herself, providing a loan to her own mother Irina Fedak.

Grinkevich's wife protected the property from seizure by transferring it on bail, –Igor and his wife Svetlana Grinkevich 

<p>Svetlana Grinkevich, wife Lviv businessman Igor Grinkevich, pledged four luxury apartments in Kiev and Lvov as collateral under loan agreements, according to an investigation by hromadske.</p>
<p>In May 2023, Svetlana Grinkevich purchased two apartments in Novopecherskie Lipki in Kyiv, 50 and 123 square meters next door. At that time, such apartments cost 20 million hryvnia. </p>
<p>The day after the man’s arrest, on December 31 last year, Svetlana Grinkevich took out a loan for 5 million hryvnia from a certain Alexander Lapshin. And already on January 2, because of this loan, she placed an encumbrance on both apartments with a notary. This is now listed in the register as a mortgage agreement.</p>
<p>If a person is afraid that something might be taken away from him, they go to the notary and say: “Here we have a receipt for a million, we want to conclude a mortgage agreement against this receipt.” The Law of Ukraine on mortgage indicates that the mortgagee is the priority creditor. That is, property secured by a mortgage cannot be taken away,” explained lawyer Yaroslav Butirin.</p>
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On the same day, December 15, 2023, Svetlana Grinkevich and Irina Fedak signed another loan agreement with a notary, this time for a luxury apartment in Lviv of 130 square meters. They were acquired in November 2023. Such real estate cost at least 7 million hryvnia.

“Loan and mortgage agreements are concluded on the same day under normal conditions. This is done in one place at a time. When a receipt or loan is today, and a mortgage is in three days, it looks stupid, but quite legal. It is impossible to find out when the receipt was actually written there,” Butirin emphasizes.

Thus, Svetlana Grinkevich, on the eve of the man’s arrest and after it, pledged all four apartments worth a total of 29 million hryvnia as collateral for loans.

The Grinkevich case

  • Igor Grinkevich is a suspect in two criminal cases. He was detained on December 29, 2023 for offering a bribe of $500 thousand to one of the leaders of the Main Investigation Department of the State Bureau of Investigation for assistance in the return of property seized from companies under his control during the investigation. The next day after his arrest, the Pechersky District Court of Kyiv chose a preventive measure for him. Grinkevich was sent into custody with the opportunity to post bail in the amount of 429 million 440 thousand hryvnia. The businessman's property was seized.
  • Already during his stay in the pre-trial detention center, Grinkevich was announced a second suspicion – of supplying low-quality clothing to the army. In addition, the businessman’s companies had to supply food to the military. Read more in the explainer “The One and a Half Billion Scandal: What the Grinkevich Family is Accused of.”
  • In addition to Grinkevich Sr., his son Roman Grinkevich is a suspect in the case of supplies to the army. He was detained in Odessa after he had been on the wanted list. The DBI said that at first they could not detain him because there was not enough evidence.
  • Now Roman Grinkevich is also under arrest.


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