• 26/07/2024 20:51

The SBU commented on Russia’s demand to arrest Malysh

“The Russian Federation can really make only one statement that is worth attention – to announce to the whole world about its defeat in the war and the withdrawal of occupation troops from Ukrainian soil,” the Ukrainian special service emphasized.

The Security Service of Ukraine commented on the demand of the Russian Foreign Ministry to arrest the head of the special service Vasily Malyuk, reports Ukrinform.

The press service of the SBU noted that the aggressor country can only make a statement about its defeat.

“Any words of the Russian Foreign Ministry are insignificant. The Russian Federation can actually make only one statement that is worth attention – to announce to the whole world about its defeat in the war and the withdrawal of occupation troops from Ukrainian soil. The SBU, together with its brothers from the Defense and Security Forces, is doing everything possible to speed up this time. And bringing the Victory of Ukraine closer every day,” the press service emphasized.

The SBU noted that Russian diplomats are trying appeal to the norms of international law, in particular, to the Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism and At the same time, they forget that it is the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin who has been officially put on the international wanted list. every dead Ukrainian and will do everything to ensure that the enemy receives fair retribution,” the SBU noted.

  • This statement was preceded by the demand of the Russian Foreign Ministry to the Ukrainian authorities to arrest the head of the Security Service Vasily Malyuk, the aggressor country also accuses ours in terrorist attacks on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • In March 2023, the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Vladimir Putin and the Russian Commissioner for Children's Rights.They are accused of illegally deporting children and illegally transferring them from the occupied territories of Ukraine to the territory of Russian Federation.


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