• 27/07/2024 00:23

Fedorov spoke about the consequences of the shelling of Zaporozhye on April 8

ByJohn Newman

Apr 8, 2024

Only during the last 24 hours, the Russian occupation forces shelled populated areas of the Zaporozhye region 357 times, and today, April 8, the occupiers apparently launched a missile from a MiG-31K at the administrative center of the region .

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Fedorov spoke about the consequences of the shelling of Zaporozhye on April 8

Photo – ukrinform.ua

About the fact that on the first day of this working week, the army of the terrorist state once again struck at Zaporozhye, writes NBN, citing preliminary and laconic information published in the official Telegram channel of the head of the local regional military administration (OVA ) Ivan Fedorov.

According to the head of the Zaporozhye OVA, the “second army of the world” again committed a war crime by insidiously attacking an industrial infrastructure facility on the territory of the regional center.

Ivan Fedorov added that at this stage, only six injured civilians are known, since the full extent of the consequences of the daytime missile attack is still being clarified, which means more complete information will appear a little later.

Earlier, our news portal informed about&nbsp ;that Sinegubov reported on the continuous shelling of Kharkov during Sunday, April 7, and named the preliminary number of wounded.


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