• 27/07/2024 04:19

How many forces and means of the Russian Federation “demitalized” the Armed Forces of Ukraine in a week: the Ministry of Defense presented an infographic

ByJohn Newman

Jan 21, 2024

Today, British military intelligence analysts reported that within 5 days, due to the intensification of the offensive of Putin’s army, the number of “recycled” Russian armored vehicles increased by 88 percent, and “manpower” by 15 percent, and now it has become known how much, in just 1 week, the invaders were missing.

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How many forces and means the Russian Federation has “demitalized” the Armed Forces of Ukraine in a week: the Ministry of Defense presented infographics

Photo – censor.net

About the fact that over the past 7 days, the defenders of our country have eliminated at least 6,000 invaders, and more than 700 different types of weapons and armored vehicles of the enemy, writes NBN, referring to information published in Telegram channel by Deputy Head of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Alexander Pavlyuk.

In in particular, colossal losses were recorded in weapon systems, “good Russians” and military equipment of the “liberators”, and this is:

  • 6 030 units of personnel;
  • 106 tanks;
  • 164 armored fighting vehicles;
  • 128 artillery systems;
  • 11 multiple launch rocket systems;
  • 7 SAM;
  • 234 units of vehicles and special equipment.
  • 2 combat aircraft;
  • 4 missiles;
  • 75  ;various drones.

Earlier, we wrote about that video evidence of one of the largest assaults on Avdiivka by the enemy appeared on the Internet.


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