• 26/07/2024 23:03

In Antarctica, the “Doomsday” glacier began to melt: scientists warned what this means

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The scientific community is concerned about the melting of the Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica, which could lead to serious consequences for the whole world.< /p>

This information was reported by Comments.UA, URA-Inform reports.

A study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences notes that the Thwaites Glacier began to actively melt since 1940. This process, as scientists point out, is associated with the increasing impact of global warming caused by human activity.

The Thwaites Glacier, which has already shrunk by an area comparable to a third of Ukraine, is now contributing to a 4% rise in sea levels. Its complete disappearance could lead to a rise in the water level in the ocean by 60 cm.

Scientists are particularly interested in the fact that the Thwaites Glacier is a kind of «stability plug» for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. This shield contains so much water that its destruction could lead to a rise in sea levels by 3 meters, causing global disasters. This is why Thwaites Glacier has also earned the nickname “Doomsday Glacier”.

Scientists warn that climate change caused by human activity could have catastrophic consequences that will be difficult to stop. Even if the cause of the rapid melt is corrected, the impact on Thwaites Glacier and its melting could continue for decades, says marine geologist James Smith.

Another scientist, Julia Welner, agrees and emphasizes that the effects could be long-term. even if the reason for the changes turns out to be temporary.

Recall that the riskiest place on the planet has been named: where lightning strikes most often.

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