• 26/07/2024 20:15

Syrsky made personnel changes: “I am forced to make such decisions”

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Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Alexander Syrsky carried out personnel changes among commanders in individual combat brigades.

Syrsky reported this information to TG, URA-Inform reports.  

The Commander-in-Chief announced his work on the Eastern Front and understood why, in the case of the same manning levels of personnel, weapons and military equipment, some brigades manage to hold back enemy attacks and hold positions, while others — no.

«First of all, it depends on the brigade commander, his level of training, experience, ability to make adequate and informed decisions and understanding of the full responsibility for the implementation of assigned tasks and for the life and health of his subordinates», — wrote Syrsky.

According to the military man, the level of training and coherence of the brigade headquarters, through which the commander exercises his powers, is of great importance. Therefore, to individual brigades where there are problems with staff training, Syrsky sent groups of specialists to transfer experience and provide assistance.

«According to the results of the hearing All necessary decisions were made to provide brigade commanders and their deputies with reserves, ammunition, UAVs and other equipment. In some cases, when the commander does not control the situation, and actions and commands directly pose a threat to the life and health of subordinates, I am forced to make personnel decisions», — wrote the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Recall that it was previously reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces defeated an elite Russian assault group near Avdievka: powerful video.

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