• 26/07/2024 23:25

The OVA commented on the airstrike on Sumy on April 26

ByJohn Newman

Apr 26, 2024

Russian terrorists do not stop committing war crimes against the civilian population of the border region, regularly striking civilian and industrial infrastructure, and this day before the weekend was no exception.

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In OVA commented on the air blow to  Sumy April 26

Photo – ukrinform.ua

About the fact that today, April 26, the Russian occupation army once again launched an air strike on one of the industrial facilities in the city of Sumy, dropping at least two guided/adjustable air bombs (KABs), writes “NBN”, referring to the information published in the official Telegram channel of the local Regional Military Administration (OVA).

At the moment, detailed information regarding the scale of destruction of the above-described facility or the number of victims has not yet been provided. In particular, the Sumy Regional Military Administration only reported that all relevant services are now working at the scene of the incident, trying to clarify all the consequences of the Russian attack.

The press service of the regional military administration emphasized:

Take care of yourself and your family, follow the safety rules, and don’t ignore the air raid signals!

We previously wrote about this , that on April 25, the Sumy OVA announced a strike by the occupiers of the KAB on the city’s infrastructure.


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