• 04/03/2025 05:35

In Lvov, a one-year-old child was operated on because pumpkin seeds got into his bronchi


Mar 11, 2024

Photo In Lvov, thoracic surgeons of the Center for Children's Medicine of the Okhmatdyt Hospital successfully operated on a 1-year-old girl who had pumpkin seeds in her respiratory tract.

The medical institution reported this on Facebook, Ukrinform reports.

It is noted that a family from the Sambir district of the Lviv region applied to the emergency department of the hospital. The child’s mother said that a few days ago she gave her daughter pumpkin seeds without shells. When the child was eating, he suddenly began to cry and then cough. Probably, according to doctors, it was at this time that the girl inhaled the semen.

At night, while sleeping, the mother heard wheezing sounds from the child. They did not disappear, so two days later the family turned to a doctor, who sent them to Lviv. Surgeons at the Children's Medicine Center hospitalized the girl and performed tracheobronchoscopy (instrumental examination of the trachea and bronchi), after which the foreign body was endoscopically removed from the left lower lobe bronchus.

« . Sanitation of the tracheobronchial tree was carried out,” emphasized thoracic surgeon Alexander Kolodiy.

<iframe allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; "0" height="703" scrolling="no" src="https ://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FOHMATDYTLVIV%2Fposts% 2Fpfbid0arbD8Li9YnbWcLWVDndgBNwaz7oKD3wzwm3KnGpHEjm2KKjDxmZdfdfZ4PMSetT7l&show_text= true&withwidth=500" style="border:noneo;" Operation was successful, the child has already been discharged and added to the medical facility.

As Ukrinform reported, in Lviv, surgeons from the United States helped shape the boy’s palate from cheek tissue.

Photo: Center for Pediatric Medicine Hospital “Okhmatdet”/Facebook


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