• 26/07/2024 19:34

The National Bank has announced an inspection schedule for 2024

Нацбанк оприлюднив графік перевірок на 2024 рік

The National Bank of Ukraine has planned on-site inspections in 2024 on issues of financial monitoring, compliance with the requirements of currency and sanctions legislation of seven banks and nine non-banking institutions.

As Ukrinform reports, the NBU press service reported this.

The list of banks included: in the first quarter – PrivatBank, RVS Bank, in the second quarter – OTP Bank, Bank Credit Dnepr, in the third quarter – Crystalbank, Radabank, in the fourth quarter – Bank Vostok.

The list of non-banking institutions included: in the first quarter – FC “Mont Blanc Finance”, “Way For Pay”, in the second quarter – pawnshop “Finance”, “OTP Leasing”, in the third quarter – IC “Nadezhnaya”, “NovaPay”, in IV quarter – CS “Credit-Soyuz”, “Avas Credit”, IC “Ultra Alliance”.

The National Bank notes that the plan for on-site inspections was drawn up on the basis of a risk-based approach, including taking into account the results of a risk assessment of the activities of banks and non-banking institutions.

As reported, according to the results of assessing the stability of banks, only five banks are set above the minimum level of capital adequacy standards and only three of them have the risk of completely losing capital over a three-year horizon.


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