• 26/07/2024 22:51

Big business paid twice as much to local budgets in March than last year

In March 2024, large taxpayers paid UAH 5 billion to local budgets, which is 2.2 times or UAH 2.8 billion more than in March last year. This was reported by the Central Interregional Department of the State Tax Service for work with large taxpayers.

Big business paid twice as much to local budgets in March than last year

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Big business sent 3.7 billion UAH of income tax to local budgets, which is 2.7 billion UAH or 3.6 times more than in March last year.

UAH 1.1 billion of personal income tax was also paid, which is UAH 114.8 million or 12.2% more than in March 2023.< /p>

Payers of the Central Administration paid UAH 107.8 million in property taxes to the budget of the city of Kiev in March, which is 1.6 times or UAH 38.9 million more than in the same period last year.

Also, the local budget received 23.2 million UAH of excise tax from the retail sale of excisable products.


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