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We pay for rahunki. In Ukraine, it was again allowed to turn on electricity, gas and water via the borgs: how does it work?

The Cabinet of Ministers announced a moratorium on the connection of housing and communal services, which provodzhuli at 2022 roci at the star 'language about the large-scale invasion of Russia. With these changes, Ukrainians can again be turned on to electricity, gas and water supply, which is polluted.

A report about those who are affected by this issue, blames and possible heirs, – we TV channel RBC-Ukraine.< /p>

During the preparation of the material, the following was taken into account: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1405 dated 29 April 2023, the declaration of the head of the Supreme Committee for the supply of energy and housing and communal services by Andriy Gerus, the rules of the electricity market energy, supply of natural gas and supply of centralized water supply services, comments from the Vikon's director of energy efficiency the locality of Ukraine Svyatoslav Pavlyuk and the director of special projects of the Scientific and Technical Center “Psyche” Gennady Ryabtsev.

A moratorium on fines and penalties for late payment, as well as on connections to housing and communal services, was introduced in the near future immediately after the Russian invasion. The decision was explained by the need to kidnap the Ukrainians. Decree to the Cabinet of Ministers No. 206 dated 5 February 2022 to fate, zokrema, transferred to the defense:

These standards were stagnated on the 24th of 2022, but before the end of last year they were changed. Based on decree No. 1405, the moratorium is actually subject to, however, various charges.

Who should be included as housing and communal services services, and who should not

The new procedure clarifies to whom the coverage of fines, penalties, exclusions, reduction of taxes and payment for housing and communal services is extended:

Photo: fines for non-payment of housing and communal services are not appropriate for those who live in the combat zone or in the occupation (Getty Images)

It is significant that the Ministry of Reintegration includes three districts of the Dnipropetrovsk region, three districts of the Donetsk region, two districts of the Zaporizka region, two districts of the Mykolayiv region, several districts of the Sumy region, and six districts of the Kharkiv region. You can check the complete list for the messages.

In this way, those Ukrainians who do not live in the over-insurance territories are required to pay off the utility bills. Otherwise, they are threatened with entering right before the lights and gas supply are turned on.

The moratorium applies. Why

As Andriy Gerus, the head of the parliamentary committee on energy supply, housing and communal services, stated, the main reason is the increase in debt. And since, in other words, subsidies and pensioners are deprived of the most disciplined payers (through the threat of “flying away” from the subsidy and the ruined government), then to achieve security, Ukrainians began to resort to a moratorium and accumulate money, for example treasure for electricity.

“We believe that the categories that can pay did not pay, understanding that there will be nothing for them. Therefore, the order praises such a decision. The situation, if subsidies and pensioners pay, and many possible people do not pay for housing and communal services, that one is wrong “unfair”, – referring to the telethon on air.

Why is the Cabinet so obsessed with this at once? According to the late director of the Association of Energy Efficient Localities of Ukraine Svyatoslav Pavlyuk, the borgs have reached such a level that it is impossible to ignore them and therefore requires work.

“Before that, I mean, especially in electricity and thermal energy, we were denied the help that our partners gave us. Obviously, in 2024 the help will be significantly less and we will need to use internal resources. talk about those “There is a tendency to increase the increase in the market burden,” says RBC-Ukraine commentator.

The director of special projects of the Scientific and Technical Center “Psyche” Gennady Ryabtsev agrees: today it was common for residents not to pay for housing and communal services with a permanent obligation. As a result, the employees of the companies that provide regular services are to blame for the defective costs and resources.

“Therefore, there has long been a need to stop paying fines. These legal entities simply stopped paying, even though they had the opportunity to do so. There was a growing rage in the markets. “If we say that it’s good for the electricity market, then there is a hidden debt burden of over 60 billion hryvnia,” indicating that Russia has seen it.

In his words, generating companies and companies from the subdivision have repeatedly asked to reconsider the idkhid and allow the inclusion of evil fighters.

“We have a very large number of enterprises, organizations and installations that do not pay unpaid. For example, if a shopping center is considered an object of critical infrastructure, it looks amazing. In fact, the Cabinet of Ministers has bought illegal indulgences I also allowed you to look at the connections for the borgs in a specific skin problem,” – adding the expert.

Between the bourgeoisie for light, gas and water, today it is important to name exact numbers. The information is not processed by the State Statistics Service and is not available to the public. If we say it’s a joke, then it’s worth tens of billions of dollars, like Ryabtsev.

Connection to light, gas and water: how it works

As we talk about those services that can be turned on for us first, the first thing to talk about is electricity and gas supply.

“Because there are the biggest borgs there. We have access to heat and water “It’s not easy to connect from a technical point of view, but sometimes it’s impossible to work,” says Svyatoslav Pavlyuk.

Electricity suppliers were the first to respond to the moratorium. Zokrema, “Kirovograd Regional Energy Delivery Company” urges subscribers not to pay and pay off the bills for light, and “Poltavaenergozbut” asks for their spouses to pay kilowatts, and for the evidence of debt ask to repay it at the shortest term.

“In order to ensure that your life is disconnected from the electricity supply, we kindly ask you to use the shortest possible power supply until the current demand is cleared,” the message goes to subscribers of the Mykolayiv Power Supply Company Iya”.

It is significant that there is no such concept as minimal interference, which can be turned on due to electricity supply. Therefore, connection is possible for any amount of money that has been stitched. Ale, as a rule, in the first place without light, subscribers with the largest amount of money will be lost due to the settlement period.

Also, the legislation does not establish a minimum period. Do not pay until the 20th of the month inclusive, as the postal owner has the right to begin the connection procedure. Although, as practice shows, in most cases, a companion has one or two months to survive and get rid of unwanted inheritances.

Connecting with the Borg can be followed by such a procedure. The customer may send a letter of notification no later than 10 working days before the connection date regarding the amount of charge, registration, the date and time of the light supply, PIB and signed by a representative.

In this case, the date of withdrawal is taken into account the date of special delivery (confirmed by the holder’s signature and/or registration of incoming correspondence), the third day from the date of collection to the postal departments (as they were sent with a recommended sheet). Another method of notification may be transfer of the contract from the postal owner or the operator of the subdivision system. If the subscriber turns off the lights and notifies the customer, then the supply of electricity is not supplied.

Renewal of light supply lasts for 3-5 business days (local/rural) is) after that, as a result of the destruction. They are covered with rakhunok koshtіv, vіdshkodovanyh sozhivachem.

This is in accordance with the rules, since the customer has not paid for the gas within 10 days after the term specified in the supply agreement, the customer has the right to stop entering the connection by sending a letter of notification. Someone may have a date set for gas supply. You cannot arrive earlier than 3 days after the date of cancellation.

If the rules are violated by the customer, the subscriber has the right to disrupt the gas supply in court. Substances for calling may not be indicated by the postal operator due to the need for independent collection of gas, or the sum of the borg, which was not included in the act of connection, may not be indicated.

Renewal of gas supply is carried out by the operator of the distribution system for a period of 2 working days in localities and 5 calendar days in rural localities after a written notification from the co-worker (their boss), after the damage has been resolved ( for example, repayment or restructuring of the board) and repayment of expenses to the operator for connection/connection to the system.

In case of late payments for centralized water supply, the resident pays a penalty at the rate established in the agreement, but not more than 0.01% of the amount due for each day of delay. The total amount of the paid penalty cannot exceed 100% of the total sum of the borg. Penalty charges begin on the first business day following the remaining day of the payment deadline.

The procedure for connection is prescribed by the law “On Housing and Utilities Services”. Delivery to station. On December 26, you have the right to interrupt the water supply if the subscriber has not paid off the bills for 30 days from the day of cancellation. This will be completed no earlier than the next business day after the deadline for payment specified in the agreement has expired.

Connection is required for 1 day from the date of full repayment of the debts or from the date of the restructuring agreement ї. You spend more time getting out of school with the help of a companion. In this case, the exchange (application) of services may not lead to a violation of the rights and interests of other subscribers (in a large apartment booth).


Significantly, the option of restructuring the debt is also relevant for those who may be heavily involved in light and other public services. Zokrema, regional electricity suppliers urge subscribers who cannot pay the bills in one payment to apply for such an agreement.

For which documents are necessary, please check with your supplier. Orientation list:

< p dir="ltr">The issue of repayment of the Borg is settled with the Vlasnik Budinka and the landlord.

How the moratorium affects Ukrainians: thoughts of experts

RBC-Ukraine experts assessed the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers and its possible legacy for Ukrainians. Svyatoslav Pavlyuk respects that the tariffs themselves, which may be high, are an instrument of the economy, and not of social assistance. And the role of the department may be limited to providing subsidies to those who cannot pay for housing and communal services. And when connecting for non-payment, it is important not to include those who are physically active every day and cannot cope with the fact that they have doctors in the middle of the apartment.

Subject to Resolution No. 1405, if the resident has not lived at his address for more than 30 calendar days, he may submit an application and documentary evidence to the utility service manager in electronic or paper form. This may be due to time-consuming living, work, education, medical treatment, military service, punishment, etc. This time you won’t have racks installed.

< /p>

Photo: if a person does not live at the address for more than 30 days, then the postal owner will not post information about this (Vitaliy Nosach/RBC-Ukraine)

“Who has a sense, except that it would be irrational to disconnect for a one-month non-payment, I think. Although you may simply not be able to catch up, there are few other reasons. Zhenya on the companies themselves. Those problems, when payments come due to actual work, are resolved gradually, and then it is impossible for the system to create a lesser indicator, the bottom line “scribbled”, the need to generate checks,” added Pavlyuk.

Expert Gennady Ryabtsev does not waste the same critical benefits for the population.

“Workers have always been one of the most disciplined payers. It is clear that if you don’t pay, then when Where is the service? And turn off the service. That's why I don't convey any daily changes to the household authorities. It's more important that the penalty for them is microscopic, but it's only a hundred percent,” RBC-Ukraine reported.

Because there are legal issues, a moratorium on disconnections and fines can discipline large employees and enforce the practice of unresolved non-payment for housing and communal services, according to an expert.

What tariffs for housing and communal services have been established in 2024 i

Narasi In Ukraine there is a partial fence for increased tariffs. Prices for heat, gas and hot water will not increase during the war period and for another 6 months after the war.

Tariffs for cold water and electricity will not be affected under the moratorium. Prote, as it seems, is in order, until the end of the burning season they are not expected to move.

The tariff for light for the population from the summer of 2023 was set at 2.64 UAH/kW-year. Since there is a double-zone doctor, then the nightly tariff from 23:00 to 07:00 allows you to save half and pay 1.32 hryvnia per kilowatt.

Gas tariffs are fixed for the hour of war I will. Clients of NJSC Naftogaz, which supplies natural gas to a large number of households, receive it at a fixed price of 7.96 hryvnia per cubic meter. The company indicates that the future increase in water supply is imminent.

Torik planned to increase the tariff for cold water by 30%. However, after criticism from the side of the government, the decision of the National Energy and Reproductive Company was cut down. In this way, varity will be lost on the level until February 24, 2022. The final tariff for each region is set by a specific water utility.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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