• 26/07/2024 22:47

In Kyiv, an engineer from the Pleso enterprise is suspected of causing damage worth 330 thousand hryvnia while carrying out landscaping of the lake

The investigation found that the engineer signed an acceptance certificate for the work performed by the contractor, in which false information was entered.

In Kiev, the KP engineer suffered thousands of hryvnias incurred during the improvement of the lake

Law enforcement officers reported suspicions to the technical supervision engineer of the Pleso enterprise of official negligence, which resulted in serious consequences, namely damage to the budget of 330 thousand UAH, the Kiev City Prosecutor's Office reports.

The investigation established that an agreement was concluded between KP Pleso and the contractor to carry out dredging work during the improvement of Lake Gnilusha, which is in the Desnyansky district of Kiev.

Improperly fulfilling his official duties, the technical supervision engineer of the Pleso enterprise in June 2019 signed an acceptance certificate for the work performed by the contractor, which included inaccurate information about the volume of work performed. The acts noted the use of special equipment in the improvement of the lake, which was not actually used.

Based on the specified information, KP “Pleso” transferred more than 1.3 million UAH to the contractor for the work performed. According to a forensic construction and technical examination, the total cost of uncompleted work is more than 330 thousand hryvnia.

During the investigation, a legal assessment will be given to the actions of the contractor and other officials of the Pleso enterprise.

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Meanwhile, the police are investigating the recent deliberate arson in the capital's Osokorki eco-park.


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