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Some IDPs will cancel payments from January 1: who will this affect?

 Части ВПЛ отменят выплаты с 1 января: кого это коснется

In particular, we are talking about citizens who are abroad for more than 30 days in a row without justified and documented reasons.

In Ukraine, as of January 1, 2024, some internally displaced persons (IDPs) will no longer receive payments from the state. In particular, we are talking about citizens who are abroad for more than 30 calendar days in a row without justified and documented reasons. Also, displaced persons in prison or convicted of collaboration will not be able to receive assistance.

This is stated in the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated July 11, 2023 No. 709 “On support for internally displaced persons.”

Who will have their payments cancelled?

Previously, wrote about the cities where salaries are highest in Ukraine.

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