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How long can the war drag on: General Romanenko gave a disappointing forecast

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Former Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Igor Romanenko stated that the war between Ukraine and Russia is turning into a resource war.

This information was reported by Glavred, reports URA-Inform.  

For this reason, in his opinion, if nothing changes, the war in Ukraine may last another two to three years. Romanenko draws attention to the fact that Ukraine’s allies help it just enough so that it does not lose to the Russian Federation. At the same time, they also provide enough assistance so that Russia does not lose abruptly and decisively:

«The same story is being repeated as during the collapse of the Soviet Union. Americans and other countries now see approximately the same risks in the event of the collapse of the Russian Federation as before – in the event of the collapse of the USSR.

According to Romanenko, it is for this reason that the West wants to prevent escalation war so that they do not have to participate in it. In addition, the expert added, the partners want to do everything to prevent Russia from resorting to the use of weapons of mass destruction.

«With this approach, war may end up for a long time. And the longer this war continues, the fewer people will want to help Ukraine,” Romanenko emphasized.

At the same time, the general emphasized that the situation is now really difficult and in a couple of months there will be an understanding, what strategy Ukraine’s allies have chosen, which in any case will be reflected in the actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

We recall that it was previously reported that CNN reported about 50 thousand Russians in the Zaporozhye direction: what the Ukrainian Armed Forces are saying.

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