• 27/07/2024 03:44

The main thing for Thursday, December 28: enemy assaults near Bakhmut and on the left bank of the Dnieper, shelling of Zaporozhye

42 military clashes, enemy shelling, new leaders of the Donetsk and Rivne Regional State Administrations. How will the 673rd day of a full-scale war be remembered?

The main thing for Thursday, December 28: enemy assaults near Bakhmut and on the left bank < The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that 42 military battles occurred during the day clashes. The enemy launched two missile and 40 air strikes, carried out 33 attacks from multiple launch rocket systems on the positions of our troops and populated areas.</p>
<p class=And the aviation of the Defense Forces carried out strikes on 17 areas where personnel, weapons and military equipment were concentrated, and two on enemy anti-aircraft missile systems. Units of the missile forces hit two concentration areas of enemy personnel, weapons and military equipment, four artillery weapons and two trains of enemy ammunition.

In the Bakhmut direction, the Defense Forces repelled three Russian attacks near Bogdanovka and Andreevka Donetsk areas where the enemy unsuccessfully tried to break through the defenses of our troops.

In the Kupyansk direction, Ukrainian defenders repelled 12 enemy attacks in the Sinkovka area of ​​the Kharkov region. The enemy also carried out air strikes near Petropavlovka and Glushkovka, Kharkov region.

More details about the operational situation as of 18:00 on December 28 are in our news.

The Russian army today, December 28, carried out artillery strikes on the coastline of the Dnieper in the village of Belenkoye, Zaporozhye region.

According to the regional prosecutor's office, two fishermen died. Five civilians, two of whom were emergency gas service workers, received injuries of varying degrees of severity.

Under the procedural leadership of the prosecutors of the Zaporozhye Regional Prosecutor's Office, an investigation has been launched into criminal proceedings into violations of the laws of customs of war ( Part 1, Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

Russian occupiers now, on December 28, covered the city of Orekhov, Zaporozhye region, with fire.

A resident died as a result of an enemy attack. Four more people were wounded.

The day before, the Russians attacked the civilian infrastructure of Orekhov with aviation. A multi-storey building was destroyed.

Three Ukrainian prisoners of war, shot by Russian occupiers in the Zaporozhye region, served in the 82nd separate air assault brigade, reports the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Unidentified persons from among the military personnel of the RF Armed Forces or other military formations of the aggressor state, acting intentionally, in violation of the laws and customs of war, while being on the line of combat in one of the regions of the Zaporozhye region, in violation of Art. 3 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War of 08/12/1949, as well as other norms of international humanitarian law, deliberately killed people protected in conditions of armed conflict. Namely, three servicemen of the 82nd separate air assault brigade of the Airborne Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, who were out of action as a result of being captured (hors de combat) after receiving wounds and concussions of varying degrees of severity,” the message says.

The dead soldiers were evacuated from the battlefield.

The criminal offense was included in the unified register of pre-trial investigations, the case materials will be transferred to the International Criminal Court.

Prime Minister Denis Shmigal demands an urgent meeting with international donors, because Ukraine cannot wait until March 2024, assistance is needed already in January, Bloomberg writes.

In a letter to the coordination group that controls funds, Denis Shmigal noted that financing is needed as early as next month and should be directed to the needs of the main budget of Ukraine. delayed due to political strife in the United States and the European Union.

“To support macroeconomic stability, it is extremely important that we receive sufficient, prompt and expected external financing, starting in January 2024,” Szmigal said in the letter.

According to the prime minister, it is unlikely It is possible to have some discussion about recovery and reconstruction projects when Ukraine is fighting for survival.

“We cannot wait until March to finance our social needs,” Szmigal said. < /p>

More details in the news.

President Vladimir Zelensky appointed Vadim Filashkin as head of the Donetsk Regional State Administration, and Alexander Koval as head of the Rivne Regional State Administration.

The corresponding decrees were signed on December 27 and published on the president’s website.

Filashkin has been deputy chairman of the Donetsk Regional State Administration since 2019, Koval headed the Rivne regional state administration in March 2021.

On December 12, their candidacies were approved Cabinet of Ministers.

Read more about the new leaders in the news.

After the special operations of the Ukrainian Defense and Intelligence Forces, there were no safe places left for Russian ships in the temporarily occupied Crimea. Therefore, the Russian Federation is quietly moving its fleet further to Novorossiysk. Ukrainian intelligence has been recording the relocation of ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet for several months now.

A representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Andrei Yusov spoke about this in an interview with Public.

He said that Ukraine has successfully increased and expanded its zone of influence and control when it comes to Crimea and the situation in the Black Sea in general. Therefore, today there is no safe place for the occupiers on the territory of the occupied peninsula.

The redeployment of ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet began after several cases of damage to Russian ships as a result of attacks by the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

“This concerns both the relocation of some ships and the transfer of headquarters infrastructure. This is the aggressor's own tacit admission that the situation in Crimea has worsened significantly for them,” Yusov explained.

Compared to 2022, this year the number of operations and strikes against occupiers in Crimea has increased significantly.

The most complete picture of today is on our website. We hope that tomorrow there will be more good news.

Let's hold on and bring Victory closer!


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