• 27/07/2024 04:51

Cyberattack of the Main Intelligence Directorate “put down” the special communications server of the Russian Ministry of Defense, – intelligence

The attacked server is located in Moscow.

 The cyberattack of the GUR

Cyber ​​attack of the Main Intelligence Directorate “knocked down” the server of the special forces of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Today, January 30, the server of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which was used for special communications, “lay down” as a result of a cyber attack.

This was reported by the press service of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense.

“As a result of the cyber attack, the exchange of information between units of the Russian Ministry of Defense that used the specified server located in Moscow was suspended,” – the message says.

This operation was carried out by specialists from the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Subscribe to our Google News It is clarified that the software on the attacked server was approved by the FSB of the Russian Federation as complying with state information security standards.

Such software was installed at various strategic facilities in the Russian public sector, in particular military ones.


“The cyber operation continues,” intelligence summed up.

GUR cyber attack “put down” special forces server

The GUR cyber attack

  • The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine informs about another successful cyber attack in Russia. Hackers destroyed the entire IT infrastructure of the Russian company IPL Consulting, which specialized in implementing information systems in Russian industry. research center for space hydrometeorology “Planet”.
  • Hackers “helped” the Moscow provider, which supplied the Internet to government agencies of the Russian Federation, to break down.

  • This company, in particular, provides the Putin administration and the FSB with the Internet.

  • Military cyber cybercrime also “punished” Russian defense contractors. Instead of home pages, site visitors saw the “correct” targets for Moscow air defense officers – Belgorod, the founder of the Wagner PPK Yevgeny Prigozhin and the Kremlin.

  • In addition, Ukrainian hackers stole 500 volumes of technical documentation Russian Ministry of Defense. The hackers also “demolished” seven servers and encrypted more than 150 computers of the institution’s employees.


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