• 26/07/2024 23:06

Szmigal said that the government is working on a new reservation system

Eight workers must provide for one who is risking her life at the front.

Schmigal said that the government is working on a new reservation system

Cabinet meeting on November 14, 20.

The government is working on a new reservation system, Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmigal said at a press conference, LB.ua correspondent reports.

Eight workers must provide for one who risks her life at the front. Those who fill the state budget should receive reservations.

“About 700 thousand people in Ukraine are booked. And this approach works, it is economical. Because there are industries and enterprises with critical infrastructure or industries with critical economic needs. We want to improve this approach so that it is fairer,” he said.

According to Shmygal, the law on mobilization must take into account that first of all, people who ensure the life of the country and critical enterprises are reserved.

“For example, energy companies. And also providing water supply, drainage, natural obvious things. Here these workers should be reserved, if not 100%, then by some significant percentage,” says the head of government.

He emphasized that it has already been agreed with the General Staff that such workers of critical enterprises be booked as much as possible.

In addition, we believe that enterprises that fill state budgets, enable us to finance the defense security forces in full today, should be reserved… Such critical and other enterprises should be allocated by the Ministry of Economy. This discussion is ongoing and work is being done,” he added.

In particular, the issues of paying taxes and official salaries, which must be average or above average to be booked, are being studied.

“There cannot be an enterprise that pays the minimum wage… In our country, people have divided into two categories: those defending the country and those at war. Working people fill the budget. We have already calculated the payment of taxes. In general, the ratio should be: no less than one to eight. That is, eight working people must provide for one person who protects and risks his life at the front,” says Szmigal.

The Cabinet of Ministers is working on booking parameters in accordance with these parameters. Average salary, salary level, level of tax payment by both an individual and a company. All these things are being studied comprehensively today… This is the framework of the future reservation system that we are working on,” he assured.


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