• 26/07/2024 19:52

Russian propagandists announced a missile attack on Berdyansk

ByJohn Newman

Apr 15, 2024

On Monday, April 15, explosions occurred in temporarily captured Berdyansk, Zaporozhye region, and smoke was seen over the city. Russian propaganda media said that the Defense Forces hit the populated area with missiles.

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Russian propagandists announced a missile attack on Berdyansk

Photo – ria.ru

The head of the city military administration of Berdyansk, Victoria Galitsina, reported on her Telegram channel that local residents spoke about explosions and the appearance of smoke in the mountainous part of the city after the arrival. The official published the corresponding photo, NBN reports.

Russian propagandists announced a missile attack on Berdyansk

Photo — t.me/berdmisk

The Russian propaganda agency RIA Novosti, referring to the “administration” of Berdyansk, stated that the Ukrainian Defense Forces attacked the city with two Storm Shadow cruise missiles, which were allegedly shot down by the air defense of the “liberators.”

At the same time, the Telegram channel “Berdyansk Now” writes that city residents are talking about two hits on the territory of the YuGM. Monitoring publics of Russians also confirmed information about arrivals in the locality.

Recall that on April 13, the Ukrainian Defense Forces hit a military facility of Putin’s army in Lugansk. Russian media reported the losses of the “second army of the world” as a result of a missile strike by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.


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