• 18/02/2025 00:40

Lucifer and Juliania: the strangest names of 2023 that children were called in Ukraine

Last year in 2023, Ukrainian parents chose names that reflected a rich range of cultural, historical and personal preferences. Somewhat strange, like Lucifer and Juliana, as well as unique and long-forgotten ones – Kiy, Aviva-Svitanzvitaine or Ustim, says WomanEL.

ContentWhat names are trendingWhat children were called in KievRare and popular names in the Kiev region Strange names… Source: Freepik

What names are trending

According to the Central Interregional Directorate of the Ministry of Justice, rarely used names are trending: Mirolub, Muhammad Ali, Lucifer, Ariel, Athena or Mane. At the same time, Maria, Eva, Mark and Alexander hold the lead in the ranking of the most popular names for children born last year.

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Of course, choosing a child's name is always a right parents. However, we insist that it does not contain numbers or other symbols, noted the Central Interregional Directorate of the Ministry of Justice.

It should also be noted that a child can be given no more than two names, unless otherwise follows from the custom of the national minority to which the mother or father belongs. A double name is always written with a hyphen: for example, Alla-Victoria, Margarita-Maria.

Rare names in trend… Source: Freepik

What were children called in Kiev

At the request of parents, children in Kiev were given rare names, namely:

  • female – Paulina, Oriana, Evdokia, Clara, Vesna, Vedana, Dana, Astrid, Zvonka-ia, Sahara, Octavia, Ognena, Aria, Athena-Penelope, Yaruna, Zvonka, Akulina, Emmanuella, Illaria, Magda, Justina Glafira, Matilda, Juliania, Inga, Lily, Leonida, Zoreslava, Athena, Nefa;
  • male – Zoreslav, Leslav, Yanislav, Veles, Ratmir, Kiy, Lucifer, Count, Korney, Budimir, Vir, Aeneas, Seraphim, Erofy, Luxor, Aeneas, Elizar, John, Harry, Adonis, Ares, Iliodor, Mars, Theo, Jan, Domian, Zeus, Gray, Kai.

Most often in the capital, parents chose the names Maria, Solomiya, Eva, Polina for girls, and Maxim, Mark, Timofey, Alexander, Daniel, for boys. Mikhail.

Rare names are trending… Source: Freepik

Rare and popular names in the Kiev region

In the Kiev region last year, girls were most often given the names Daria, Zlata, Polina, Sofia, Eva, Solomiya, Anna, and for the boys – Timofey, Timur, Maxim, Mark, Bogdan, Alexander, Dmitry.

Also, at the request of the parents, the children were given rare names, namely Alice, Luna, Snezhka, Mane, Lisanna, Esther, Elune, Bathsheba, Dominica, Roxana, Adele, Francesca, Armine, Slavyana, Jeremiah. The names chosen for the boys were Reyan, Leon, Karim, Sayan, Micah, Elman, Reuben, Ilia, Theodor, Lavrin.

The choice of name is influenced by historical actions, wars and victories. Some of these are innovations due to cultural and personal preferences. Also, ancient names are being revived again.

How to name your daughter: find out about forgotten beautiful ancient Ukrainian names here.

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