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Grocery prices: an expert tells us what to expect in the spring

 Grocery prices : an expert told what to expect in the spring

Due to rising prices for milk raw materials, Ukrainian agricultural products may also become more expensive.

In Ukraine they continue food prices rise. The main ones may become more expensive this spring.

The executive director of the Economic Discussion Club Oleg Pendzin told the Focus publication about this.

According to the expert, the price of eggs is expected to rise due to rising prices for feed for poultry.

“It’s the same with the borscht group. We planted a lot of onions, planted a lot of carrots. There will definitely not be such a crazy rise in prices as there was last year. That is, everything will be much calmer,” he added.

In addition, due to the Polish border blockade, there is a possibility of a shortage of raw milk in Ukraine.

“There will be no ban. We will not fight with the Poles. At the moment, this is nothing more than a warning event. This is such a hint of mirror reactions. The Poles also did not ban Ukrainian butter. They are only blocking the borders,” he said.

At the same time, due to rising milk prices, Raw materials and Ukrainian agricultural products may become more expensive.

“If you walk through the supermarket, you won’t see a single imported producer at the moment – it’s our domestic butter. But the biggest problem is that we actually import from Poland – we imported raw milk and hard cheeses from Poland. What is the problem? The fact is that in Ukraine a fairly large volume of raw milk is produced on household farms,” Pendzin explained.

The war in Ukraine also affected the number of workers.

We understand that the mobilization was harsh in the villages, the total number of people who actually work there in the agricultural business has decreased. As a result, we have a decrease in supply. In particular, pork meat, because a very large share of pork was produced in households. The same goes for raw milk. This situation provokes an increase in prices for dairy products,” he emphasized.

We also wrote that due to the blocking of the border by the Poles and the need to go around this section of the border when importing liquefied gas, this fuel may rise in price by 3 UAH/l.

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