• 27/07/2024 00:19

The number of registered unemployed in Ukraine has halved in a year

As of January 1, 2024, 96.1 thousand people officially had unemployed status in Ukraine, while at the beginning of last year 186.51 thousand unemployed were registered. This is evidenced by data from the State Employment Service of Ukraine, writes Business.Censor.

The number of registered unemployed in Ukraine has halved in a year

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Unemployment in Ukraine

Among the registered unemployed as of the beginning of 2024, 74.9% were women, the remaining 25.1% – men, the data shows.

In general, in 2023, 483.25 thousand people had unemployed status (during 2022 – 867.64 thousand).

Read: Experts predicted an increase in unemployment in the world in 2024 to 5.2%

With the help of the Employment Service, 160.1 thousand unemployed people were employed last year, 32.9 thousand . unemployed people received additional training, 24.6 thousand participated in public and other temporary work.


As the Ministry of Finance wrote earlier, Ukraine is among the top ten countries with the highest rates unemployment – 21.1% of the country's unemployed population, the maximum since 2010.


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