• 26/07/2024 19:42

The CIA director predicted the course of the war until the end of the year: what could happen

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CIA Director William Burns noted that the situation at the front could become significantly more complicated.

About this information Politico reported, URA-Inform reports.  

He emphasized that the adoption by the US Congress of a bill on military assistance could help Ukraine not lose the war before the end of 2024 and interfere with Russia’s plans.

Burns called on US lawmakers to pass an additional bill to provide billions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine.

The head of the CIA noted that if the bill does not receive support from Congress, the situation will become significantly more complicated.

“There is a very real risk that the Ukrainians could lose on the battlefield before the end of 2024, or at least put Putin in a position where he can essentially dictate the terms of a political settlement,” he continued.

He stressed that support for Ukraine at the moment is more than just a war with Russia. He also mentioned Xi Jinping in China, his ambitions, and US allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific.

“It’s really a question of whether our adversaries understand our reliability and resolve, and whether our allies and partners understand this,” the CIA director concluded.

Let us recall that it was previously reported that Xi offered the Russian Federation a special option for ending the war: the source said what the parties are considering.

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