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Who are the Houthis and why are they attacking ships in the Red Sea?

During the night, the USA and Great Britain have launched heavy attacks on targets related to Houthis in Yemen . This became consistent with the ongoing attacks by the Houthis along the shipping lanes near the Red Sea in the remaining few months.

What is known about the Houthis is that they targeted ships near the Red Sea and some in The testimony of the United States and allies – read in the materials of RBC -Ukraine is lower.

During the preparation of the material, the following were highlighted: statements by US President Joe Biden, British Prime Minister Richa Sunak, Pentagon head Lloyd Austin, US Central Command (CENTCOM), Sky News, CNN, The Guardian.

Who are the Houthis?

The Houthis are a militarized Shia-Zaidi group that operates in the territory of Yemen and fought against the religious influx of Saudi Arabia in the 1990s. The grouping is named after its leader and leader, Hussein al-Husi, who was killed by the Yemeni army in the spring of 2004. Zokrem, to the fate of self-pronouncements, Imam Hussein al-Husi raised an anti-government stabbed, calling Vlad Yemen in the so-called “discrimination of the Zaydi population.” Also, after his death, the leadership of the group passed to his brother Abdel-Malik al-Houthi.

In 2009, thanks to the support of Saudi Arabia, the military forces were able to strangle the stabbed. In the fierce 2010 fate between the Houthis and the rulers of Yemen, an agreement was signed about the fire.

It appears that the Houthis are promoting the Zaydi madhhab – the Shia Ghil’s direct line to Islam. They declare that they are “preventing Shiism from the influx of Sunism,” as evidenced by the majority of the population of the region. It’s important to live in Yemen, becoming close to a third of the region’s population. The order of Yemen is called by the Houthis because they are profiting from support of Iran.

The group “Ansar Allah” is respected by the militant wing of the Rukh. At Listopadi 2014, Roka Bezpeki UN Paul Sankesi on Vіsikovikh Lideriva Abdel-Khalіa al-Khushi I Abdallah Yaheu al-Khakim for “Round the world, Stabynosti Kraina, I Pereshkoda Political Process”.

The group also took part in the Yemen revolution of 2011, creating additional territories. Since that time, it has expanded its influx zone and now controls most of the inlet bank of Yemen right up to the Bab-el-Mandeb channel – a 16-mile stretch of water that marks the entrance to the Chervone Sea.

Photo: Houthis control most of Yemenu (ACAPS Analysis Hub)

At the end of 2021, the United States of America recognized the Houthis as a terrorist organization, which raised concerns about the lack of humanitarian aid in Yemen, but this position was changed a month later. In addition, when Joe Biden became President of the United States.

What happens in the Sea of ​​Red and why Are the Houthis attacking ships there?

The Red Sea is one of the largest shipping canals in the world, built today along with the Suez Canal, the most important waterway that connects Europe with Asia and Africa. In the meantime, the water-shed protection of the sea, where it flows into the Aden Bay, has been restored.

After the outbreak of a violent conflict between Israel and Palestinian militants along with Hamas, which broke out on June 7, 2023, the Houthis set their sights on the shipping routes of the Red Sea. With this rank of stink they demonstrate their support for the Palestinian grouping of Hamas. Attacks on ships have affected the largest shipping companies in the entire region.

The situation in the waters of the 19th leaf fall became tense when the Houthi rebels sank the privately owned Galaxy Leader (a British ship operated by a Japanese company) with 25 crew members on board in the Red Sea, in the middle of the international Imagining Ukrainians.

Grouping stated that it would target all ships that were located or operated by Israeli companies or carried an Israeli ensign. However, the Israeli army stated that the ship sailed from Turkey to India, on board there were civilians from various countries, not Israel. The IDF called the sinking of the ship itself “a serious incident with global implications.”

What followed were numerous Houthi attacks on ships, which were mostly ineffective, but many shipping companies still chose to bypass the route, which significantly increased the hour and number of voyages.

Zokrema, for the rest of the year and merchant ships from various powers were sunk under Houthi fire from the territory of Yemen. In addition, attacks by missiles and drones were also directed at military ships from various countries already patrolling the region. Zokrema, boules of magnetism fired at US ships. We also know about incidents involving the killing of unmanned aircraft by ships in Britain and France.

How the United States and allies reacted

The United States on the 18th announced the beginning of Operation Prosperity Guardian in response to the Houthi attacks – for a thorough resolution of security problems in the flooded part of the Red Sea and Adens no matter what. The operation brought together important NATO allies and a number of other countries.

In addition to the United States, the following countries were defeated before the international mission: Great Britain, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, the Seychelles and Spain.

The Houthis immediately followed, and for years they were familiar with them and did not dare to attack ships in the Red Sea. The same tension was ignited after a British warship, while on patrol with a US ship, shot down the drones launched by the Houthis to counter the worst attack of drones and missiles.

Behind the backdrop of the United States, there was the 26th Houthi attack on a commercial ship on November 19, when the terrorists sank the ship Galaxy Leader.

The United States and Great Britain began to strike at the Houthis because they were losing patience

It seems that the patience of the United States and Great Britain was seriously breaking down, and throughout the night there was a stench of airstrikes on Houthi bases near Yemen. These attacks were consistent with terrorist attacks on shipping routes near the Red Sea.

The head of the US Central Command, Alex Grinkevich, stated that the military carried out strikes on 60 targets in 16 locations near Yemen. For this, more than 100 different types of ammunition were used (high-precision bombs and missiles from the air and naval bases).

According to CNN, the United States was using bombers and missiles from Tomahawk missiles. Reuters writes that the strikes hit civilians, ships and submarines.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin stated that the US target for strikes in Yemen is ground infrastructure for launching drones and missiles. It’s important that you don’t have to undergo surgery directly from the doctor before going through treatment for prostate cancer. RBC-Ukraine wrote about this in detail earlier.

This statement includes US President Joe Biden.

“These strikes are a direct result of the unprecedented Houthi attack on international maritime vessels in the Red Sea, including, first in the history of the suspension of anti-ship ballistic missiles,” said the American leader.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak also informed about the strikes on the Houthis.

“The British UPS have launched targeted strikes on military targets that are being conquered by the Houthis in Yemen,” Sunak said, calling on the Houthis to launch attacks on ships in the Red Sea and continue approaches to deescalate.

< p>At the same time, the edges of the coalition, created to protect shipping in the Red Sea from the Yemeni Houthis, made a strong statement. The US and British statements, as well as Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand and South Korea expect that a “strike on military targets of the Houthis will be issued.” The unprecedented right of powers to individual and collective self-defense is evident “.

The leader of the Houthis, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, also came out with a “reaction.” In advance of the so-called “great” testimony, that the United States and “its allies will continue the military attacks.” It could not have happened without the participation of terrorist Russia, which called today's meeting for the sake of UN security about the situation in Yemen.

What are the economic legacies of the crisis in the Red Sea?

Due to the growing global economic impact of disruptions in shipping through the vitally important Chervona Sea, the remnants of other, alternative routes for ships are increasing the cost of trade and causing an increase in inflation.

This is explained by the fact that close to 12% of global light shipping pass through the Suez Canal, which connects the Mediterranean Sea and allows access between Europe and Asia by the shortest possible route.

The ships mainly transport naphtha and natural gas from the Persian Inlet, as well as liquid goods and electrical supplies from China, Taiwan and Bangladesh.

The route is also key for the supply of food products and drinks: tea and kava to Lancsug. zi Similar to Africa, wine from Australia and New Zealand, frozen meat from Thailand and rice from Cambodia.

The Director General of the Institute of Export and International Trade, Marco Forgione, told Sky News at the breast, what and they have already begun to grow in naphtha .

Before that the blocking of ships at an unexpected place and the cause of congestion at ports led to an increase in prices – at this time, a shortage of goods will be felt in this day and age, and perhaps this has given i.

“Unfortunately, there is a significant risk of increasing inflation and increasing costs for residents, in which case the situation will worsen and worsen,” he said.

Varto respect that naphtha prices have jumped after US and British airstrikes against terrorists in Yemen.

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