• 26/07/2024 22:32

Ignat said whether the rapid “re-mothballing” of the old A-50s will help the Russian Federation to replace the downed ones

ByJohn Newman

Mar 3, 2024

The day before, British military intelligence analysts informed that after Ukraine’s recent liquidation of the second A-50 long-range radar detection and control aircraft, the Russian Federation will be forced to modify other types of aircraft, or get identical equipment from the “reserves”.

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Photo – screenshot of YouTube video.

The fact that the invaders will definitely try to find a replacement for the above-mentioned planes “grounded” by the defenders of our country, and will there be any sense in such efforts, writes “NBN” , referring to the explanation of the Speaker of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel Yuri Ignat, sounded during the telethon on the TSN YouTube channel.

According to Ignat, the Russian Federation’s attempts to “remothball” old A-50 aircraft , may end unsuccessfully, since even the gradual restoration of aircraft is not an easy task. In particular, the success of such a return of the A-50 “to the sky” directly depends on the state in which it was “mothballed”, that is, whether at least some working units remained on board.

In addition, it will negatively affect the outcome of the “re-preservation” and the speed of the repair process—the Russians will be given a command from above with a clarification—“not to restore for a very long time,” but it would be more efficient to “remove from storage and” ;send [to the troops].”

Earlier, we wrote about that Ignat explained whether the liquidation of the A-50 aircraft will affect the intensity of rocket attacks in Ukraine.


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