• 26/07/2024 20:55

Lukashenko explained why Belarus will not fight with Ukraine

ByJohn Newman

Apr 13, 2024

At the very beginning of this month, self-proclaimed President Alexander Lukashenko made a statement – although his country is actively preparing for war, it is exclusively “for the sake of peace.”

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Lukashenko explained why Belarus will not fight with Ukraine

Photo – Evgeniy Biyatov/RIA Novosti

About the fact that, in Lukashenko’s opinion, calls to him regarding entering into a war with Ukraine only play into the hands of the North Atlantic Alliance, since it is the NATO member countries that want to see Belarus (RB) become a “party to the conflict” , writes “NBN”, referring to the video statement of the Belarusian dictator, published in the Telegram channel of the Kremlin propagandist Pavel Zarubin.

In addition to the above concerns, Lukashenko refuses to fight against our country on the side of the Russian Federation, since Ukraine has built powerful fortifications, placed minefields and concentrated a significant group of Defense Forces at the border of the Republic of Belarus.

The self-appointed head of the Republic of Belarus added – if the Belarusians today entered into a war against Ukraine, then this would be gave nothing,” since the border with Belarus is “barricaded so that it is impossible to get there”: the border is “mined and completely concreted,” and 120,000 Ukrainian soldiers are just waiting for such an invasion.

Earlier we wrote that the CNS told how the outflow of former “Wagnerites” from Belarus will affect the capabilities of the RF Armed Forces.


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