• 26/07/2024 20:02

Another innovation is being prepared in the “Diya” application: the authorities said they would introduce

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Mikhail Fedorov, head of the Ministry of Digital Development of Ukraine, announced the introduction of «Diya» assistants based on artificial intelligence under the name “Nadia” that this new generation chatbot is designed to help users solve simple problems. According to the Minister of Digital Transformation, «Nadia» has a number of key advantages.

In particular, these are quick answers to user questions and significant savings of time and resources for the «Diya» support team.

Artificial intelligence &#171 ;Nadia» will allow users to receive prompt and accurate answers to various queries, which will increase the efficiency of using the application and improve the overall user experience.

In addition, «Nadia» will continuously learn from user feedback and experience, allowing it to become increasingly intelligent and adapt to user needs in real time.

This opens up new prospects for improving the functionality and usability of the application &#171 ;Diya» for all its users.

Recall that Zelensky made a special proposal to the Balkans: what the President of Ukraine wants to create.

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