• 26/07/2024 20:17

Studio Kvartal 95 was harshly criticized on the Internet: “You better go to war”

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Studio Kvartal 95, on its official Instagram account, presented a plan for holding charity concerts and published a video with the participation of Evgeny Koshevoy.

This information was reported by «Studio Kvartal 95», reports “URA- Inform”.  

In this video, Koshevoy shares information about upcoming charity performances in Kyiv and invites everyone to join them. However, in the comments there were expressions of dissatisfaction from some users who criticized the Kvartal 95 participants for their absence from the front.

“Our men have to sit in the trenches for years because of these bitches! They're having a lot of fun”, “You'd better go to war”, “Who gives a fuck about your concerts!”, “You've eaten on our calluses… go defend Ukraine!”, “Kvartal – to the front line! The dancing has already ended, half the country has lost someone and continues to lose, are you out of your mind!?”, “Our guys are dying, and they are organizing concerts, freaks,” they wrote on the Internet.

However, some users in the comments defended the Quarter:

“Do you even think about what they are like? Are the fees closed with these concerts? And what do they mean for the military?”, “If you don’t like it, don’t watch it,” “All the money is given to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, so let’s not hate it,” “They help the Ukrainian Armed Forces a lot financially. Why so many insults against him?”

We recall that it was previously reported whether Anatoly Anatolich would go to war: the showman gave a detailed answer.

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