• 26/07/2024 19:29

It’s not too important, but it’s funny: what you need to know about blood donation

Blood donation does not deprive humanity mother a cost-free check for the body and a decade of paid days off.

A report on how to prepare and how often you can give blood components can be identified – in the materials of RBC-Ukraine.

When preparing publications were reviewed: Wiki Legal Aid statistics, websites of the Partnership of the Red Cross in Ukraine and DonorUA.


  • Who and how many times can you be a donor
  • How to prepare before donating blood
  • How often you can donate blood
  • What the donor takes away after donating
  • How you can donate
  • < li> Blood donation in the hour of war

  • Honorary donor of Ukraine: who can revoke this status and what does it give

Who and how many times can you be a donor

Blood donors in Ukraine can be healthy people over 18 years of age view 50 kg, although at some blood centers they accept fewer people from 55-60 kg.

Ukrainians, as well as foreigners, can donate blood, who can receive a permanent certificate of residence in Ukraine.

Since over the years we understand more and less kilograms, it is more important to understand what a healthy person means. A healthy person is a person who has no contraindications.

As for you, the authorities are chronically ill, you accept your faces and stand on your face, and you cannot be a donor right away or you have sunk.

Zagalom Contraindications are divided into temporary and absolute. Before going to the blood donation center, it is important to familiarize yourself with them thoroughly.

How to prepare before donating blood

Three days before the blood test, take analgesics and aspirin, as well as alcohol to prevent them, and also absorb the blood.

Do not drink alcohol 48 years before the blood test blood You should also include in your diet

  • fatty,
  • greased,
  • smoked,
  • milk juice,
  • < li>salt.

Wake up well and have a light snack (sweet tea, baby food, porridge with water). Do not come to donate shelter if you feel unwell (chills, confusion, headache, weakness).

Do not smoke one year before bleeding. Before being examined by a doctor before donating, please make sure to ask and do not receive information about the use of drugs, alcohol, drugs or illness.

How often can you give blood?

People can Donate shelter no more than 5 times per river, women – no more than 4 times per river. After five regular donations, it is recommended to take a break of at least 3 months.

More details about the intervals between donations can be found in the table, where the numbers indicate the number of days after which you can continue to give blood.

What does the donor receive after donation

After donating blood components, the donor can see the benefits received complies with the law of Ukraine “On the safety and hygienicity of donor blood and blood components”.

On the day of donation, a person who has indicated the need to donate blood is released from work and saves for her an average salary in the total amount of money for the owner of the enterprise.

At the time when students are assigned to the day And they are willing to borrow.

< p>Moreover, after each day of donation, one more additional day is expected to complete the savings for her average salary in the sum of the total amount of money for the Vlasnik branch of the enterprise.

For the day of such an individual’s birthday, Waiting until the day of release.

Additional benefits , what do donors hope for

In this case, we hope to donate blood free of charge in the total amount that is common:

  • two will develop the maximum permissible doses;
  • blood plasma in the total amount, which is equal to the previous four maximum permissible doses;
  • platelets from two one-time donations using the apheresis method.

Physicians for 1 year after donating blood are entitled to payment of assistance due to time-consuming inconvenience in connection with illnesses in the amount of 100 hundred rubles of average salary The donor's payment is independent of the length of service.

Students who have completed their first year of donation have the right to receive a penny assistance in the amount of 25 hundred rubles established at the end of their studies.

Vyskov The line service and cadets of the military deposits will be covered for 6 months after the current donation. the right after the time of service to receive a penny bonus in the amount of 25 hundred rubles of the penny security assigned to them.

Why be a blood donor – korisno

It is scientifically proven that donors have a significantly lower risk of heart disease. The American Medical Association confirms that people who donate blood to the spine have fewer heart attacks and strokes.

A large-scale study of Finnish donors showed that blood donation is needed It reduced the risk of heart disease by 88%.

Donors have a better balance of cholesterol and a lower level of cholesterol – therefore, a lower incidence of cardiovascular diseases.

Donors have a lower risk of developing cancer of the leg, rectum, vulva and larynx.

The point is that donors are encouraged to take care of their health. A possible reason is a decrease in the level of inorganic excretion, which is detrimental to health.

Socrema, blood donation changes the risk of hemochromatosis. This is a disease if it accumulates in the liver and other organs. Their symptoms overlap with the manifestations of other ailments, and it is important to recognize them and promptly manage them.

Donors have less inflammation and a higher antioxidant status, so their body is better able to survive externally and radicals.

The donor is regularly and free of charge tested for hemoglobin, HIV, hepatitis B and C and syphilis.

It is possible to carry out donation

With the beginning of a large-scale invasion with the help of law enforcement agencies, the addresses of blood centers were recruited from public bodies, however you can know them having reached donors.

For whom it is necessary to register with the donor’s office in the “Give blood” section.

Blood donation in the hour of war

From the first days of the large-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, through the growing number of victims in the region, a great influx of various groups of Rh factors was carried out. efforts are being made to popularize the donor movement and obtain people before donating blood.

Donor blood goes to meet the medical needs of those people who are most in need.

For your sake, you can become part of the team of the Ukrainian Chervony Chrest, and take part in efforts dedicated to blood donation in your region.

Honorary donor of Ukraine: who can revoke this status and what does it give

In the same way as regular donors b blood is not a sign that their mothers are still accepted.

The status of Honorary Donor of Ukraine can be withdrawn from citizens who have donated free of charge:

  • whole blood – 40 doses;
  • blood plasma – 60 doses;
  • blood components prepared by apheresis (erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes) – 40 doses.

Such persons are given a certificate and are given badge “Honorary Donor of Ukraine” in the order established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Honorable donors in Ukraine may have the right to receive a pension supplement in the amount of 10 hundred rubles of the established minimum subsistence level per person per month.

It seems likely that before the Republic of Belarus K-Ukraine reported how apply for a living benefit for organ donation.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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