• 26/07/2024 22:27

The expert explained whether it is possible to raise gas tariffs due to Russian attacks on underground storage facilities

ByJohn Newman

Apr 15, 2024

On Thursday, April 11, Russian occupation forces launched another missile strike, targeting two underground gas storage facilities (UGS) of the national gas supplier Naftogaz in the Lviv region.

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The expert explained whether it is possible to raise gas tariffs due to Russian attacks on underground storage facilities

Photo – korrespondent.net

About whether shelling by a terrorist state can provoke a change in the tariffs of “blue fuel” for household consumers in Ukraine, writes NBN, citing an expert’s opinion Institute of Energy Strategies Yuri Korolchuk, published in Focus.

According to Korolchuk, the cost of gas for consumers and the likely damage to underground gas storage facilities are not interrelated, since the key role in determining tariffs is whether to increase it or not, I play solely with Naftogaz’s intentions to operate in the long term in the existing conditions of “financial sufficiency and comfort.” Thus, this will be the “determining factor.”

In addition, the expert separately emphasized: at the moment, the fixed gas tariff of 7.96 hryvnia/cubic meter fully covers absolutely all of Naftogaz’s expenses, and in Ukraine, against the backdrop of the war, a moratorium was introduced on raising the cost of “blue fuel” for the population.

We previously wrote about the fact that the Ministry of Energy plans to raise electricity tariffs for the population.


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