• 27/07/2024 03:35

The situation in the Avdeevsky direction: the Ukrainian Armed Forces said whether the activity of the invaders on this section of the front has decreased (map)

ByJohn Newman

Mar 24, 2024

At this stage of the war, the defenders of our country are doing everything possible and impossible, trying to stop the advance of the Russian occupation army in the Donetsk region.

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The situation in the Avdeevsky direction: The Ukrainian Armed Forces told us whether the activity of the invaders on this section of the front has decreased (map)

Photo – facebook.com/GeneralStaff.ua

The fact that over the past few days, the intensity of attacks from the “second army of the world,” trying to advance in the Avdeevsky direction, has noticeably decreased, NBN writes, citing information from an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after Yakov Gandzyuk Sergei Tsekhotsky during the broadcast of a single telethon on the TSN YouTube channel.

According to Tsehotsky, the activity of the occupiers was affected by the number of their senseless attacks, simply traditional “meat assaults.” Realizing that they could not achieve success in this front-line sector with such actions, the “liberators” resorted to a different technique – they increased the number of drones of various types, in particular for reconnaissance purposes.

Thus, Putin’s troops have decided to regroup for now , and conduct an in-depth study of the situation. However, in the Avdeevsky direction, simultaneously with the cessation of infantry assaults, artillery shelling intensified, and the Russian Federation is also attacking more with kamikaze drones.

The situation in the Avdeevsky direction: the Armed Forces of Ukraine said whether the activity of the invaders in this area has decreased section of the front (map)

Photo — deepstatemap.live

We previously wrote about the losses Russian troops suffered over the past week.


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