• 27/07/2024 00:22

Execution of Ukrainian prisoners near Rabotino: the prosecutor's office named probable suspects

 Расстрел украинских пленных под Работино: прокуратура назвала вероятных подозреваемых

Photo: the prosecutor's office named probable suspects in the execution of Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers (Vitaly Nosach, RBC-Ukraine) Author: Natalya Yurchenko

Occupants from the 76th Guards Air Assault Division of the Russian Federation may be involved in the execution of Ukrainian prisoners of war in the Zaporozhye region. It is also known as the “Pskov Airborne Division”.

This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the head of the department for combating crimes in armed conflict of the Office of the Prosecutor General Yuri Belousov on Radio Liberty.

According to him, the names of the dead Ukrainian soldiers have been identified and verified. They will be made public later. The Office of the Prosecutor General has not yet commented on where the bodies of the dead defenders are now located.

The prosecutor's office also identified probable suspects involved in the execution of Ukrainian prisoners.

“We assume that the 76th Airborne Division of the Russian Federation is involved in the commission of this crime. But we are now checking this data. This division is already known for war crimes that were committed in Ukraine, in particular in the Kiev region,” Belousov said.

He noted that the video of the execution of the fighters reached the Office of the Prosecutor General on December 16, at which time the execution probably took place. On the same day, law enforcement began an investigation.

Belousov added that there is a systematic pattern in this behavior of the Russian military in the Zaporozhye region. Previously, it was recorded that the Russians are using Ukrainian captives as human shields. He suggests that the Russian command can instruct its subordinates because it knows exactly about their actions.

What is known about the execution of Ukrainian prisoners

Recently, the Office of the Prosecutor General reported another terrorist attack by Russian invaders. It is known that during a military clash with Ukrainian fighters near the village of Rabotino, Zaporozhye region, the occupiers captured three Ukrainian defenders.

The Russians shot Ukrainian prisoners of war. The Office of the Prosecutor General began criminal proceedings for violation of the laws and customs of war, coupled with premeditated murder (Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

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