• 26/07/2024 23:31

What drone did the Russian Federation use to attack a house in Odessa: Ignat spoke about its features

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In Odessa on Saturday, March 2, a tragedy occurred associated with an attack on a multi-story building, as a result of which at least 10 people were killed.

This information was reported by 24tv, URA-Inform reports.  

Air Force representative, Yuri Ignat, said that different models of drones can carry a variety of combat units with different weights, which makes their use very effective and destructive.

As part of the telethon, he revealed the features of the drone with which the Russian occupiers attacked a house in Odessa. The speaker emphasized that drones, such as Shaheds, have different sizes, and in this case, the kamikaze drone model 136 is distinguished by a larger warhead, twice the mass of 131.

“I want to say that the 136 «Shahed» that attacked the Odessa region is not some small UAV. This is quite a large aircraft,” the speaker noted.

Yuri Ignat noted that the type of weapons represented by these drones is not only dangerous, but also powerful. He emphasized that if such ammunition hits a building, as happened in Odessa, it «folds» very quickly.

We recall that it was previously reported that the Russians are announcing a massive drone attack in Crimea: details from the Russian Ministry of Defense.

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